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Friday, October 19, 2007

People's Hottest Bachelor = My Twin?

People will always try and find a doppelganger for you. For some reason people are obsessed with trying to find ways to compare your looks with those of a celebrity.

In college, during the Winter Olympics, I was called "Apolo" incessantly. My friends, my mom, I even got a phone call from my grandma gushing about how much I looked like the famous, gold medal speed-skater from Seattle. Apolo Anton Ohno.

I never quite saw the resemblance, but I rolled with it.

This morning, when I reached the end of the internet, I looked up Apolo online to read up on him. My first search led me to this blurb.

Is this true? Are you telling me this guy got Hottest Bachelor for People Magazine?? And I've been told for years that I have an uncanny resemblance to this man. How have I not been able to capitalize on this??

Looks like I got my Halloween costume this year. I just purchased a $60 speed skating suit.

Bring it ladies.