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Monday, December 24, 2007

Is Christmas Shopping a Big Deal?

The first thing I did when I woke up was text Beth to see what she was up to for the rest of the afternoon. She said she was going to finish up Christmas shopping. I offered to escort her since I had absolutely nothing planned and she was going alone.

Her "little engine that could" car pulled up in front of my house around 3:00 and I took the driver's side.

People go Christmas shopping together all the time. Friends do it all the time. It's not big deal.

However, I've been known to over-analyze particular situations from time to time. And when Beth and I are weaving in and out amongst the holiday crowd at a huge mall; little flashbacks suddenly sparked in my mind. Think of the Bourne series when Matt Damon suddenly get s bitch slapped by these quick visuals out of no where. It was kind of like that, but... well, it doesn't involve a government cover up.

These flashbacks were "couple-y" things I used to do at this very same mall.
  • Laughing and speed walking through the parking lot during a rainstorm; avoiding massive puddles
  • Beth and I grabbed a quick bite at the food court and shared an entree of Kung Pao and broccoli beef.
  • An impulse buy; we both u-turned and got exactly $3.55 worth of Sweet Factory candy.
  • I waited for Beth to get out of the restroom and had my back toward the exit. When she came out, I got a swift, playful swat to my bum bum. (Although this never happened to me before, I got an instant "couple-y" feeling)
  • I needed some new boxers, so I had her help me pick out ones that she thought would look good.
Again, maybe I'm over analyzing. But I'd be lying to myself if I didn't get that "funny" feeling that often follows these kinds of days. It's very possible it's just a one of those Holiday things that mind fucks with you.

I just need to be cautious. I know myself too well.