Friday, September 7, 2007

Sign Me Up for AA!

Leo: dude, I'm going to have to put you on suicide watch if you don't get this
So@24: seriously. seriously.
Leo: i mean you still have the [insert name of A-list actor here], which is a to-die-for gig.
So@24: true.
Leo: remember back in the day when you'd come home, buy a pack of Coors and get drunk by yourself? You'd wear a parka around.
So@24: hahaha! I'd sit on the porch and drink a six pack.
Leo: you were tan pathetico.
So@24: i wasn't that bad. there are a lot worse cases and trust me, i didn't call her or text her nearly as many times as i wanted to.
Leo: ... you hit it pretty hard man. You're a chin-up sally forth guy, but from a third party; you were pretty wrecked. Not nearly as bad as others would be, but I've never seen you like that.