Tuesday, September 25, 2007

For the Love of Lederhosen, Of Course!

Remember the UCLA hunnies?

New shit has come to light. Our friend Chris has done some research and found out exactly where we are meeting them this weekend. The power of the internet led us here.

If you took the time to peruse the link (which I don't blame you if you didn't, I skip them over all the time), you'll see that Oktoberfest is in Torrance, CA. A little ways outside of our usual stomping grounds. Which means we had some obvious concerns about drinking and then having to drive...

"Don't worry about drinking and driving! We have a hotel!"

-blink blink-
-deep breath-

This could either be epic or be an event in which I'd rather shove my genitals in a salad shooter.

I'm searching for some of these in preparation for this weekend:

*cough* The lederhosen. Not the dudes.

Now playing: Mike & The Mechanics - Silent Running