Sunday, September 9, 2007

A Refreshing Change of Pace

Something happened yesterday that I haven't experienced in quite sometime. My good friend Craig from high school came down to Los Angeles for a visit and asked that I meet him out on the west side for drinks. I rarely make it out to the west side, let alone Hermosa Beach, but meeting an old friend is an exception.

After hugs and "how have you beens" were exchanged, we ordered some pints by the boardwalk. Shortly afterward, our friend Tina and her friends joined us. We somehow were able cram in about 10 of us by joining 3 tables together; a bit uncomfortable, but well worth it.

We ordered shots, more beers and spirits. Craig, myself, and seven other females testing the limits of our livers at 2:00 pm on Hermosa's pier. Then heading back to one of the girl's house to polish off a fifth of tequila and a half gallon of Smirnoff. Our mini party raged on until midnight and waned when the alcohol flow dried up. An ideal situation when you're a budding bachelor, but I didn't find myself in that mindset of "checking out the girls". I haven't felt that way in quite awhile; and to be honest, it was really nice.

Don't get me wrong, all the girls we were with were attractive, but the thought of "trying to get on" any one of them didn't cross my mind. No one was on the prowl. It was as simple as just enjoying being around fun people with a sense of humor I could relate to. To have a goal of embracing the night for what it was and having no other intention. It was refreshing to not have that pressure of having to present myself in a certain/attractive way.

Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be.

Now playing: They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse in Your Soul