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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Plot Thickens


She got it.

She read it.

But she'd like to discuss it by means other than IM. Which is understandable, it's what I wanted to do initially. I'd rather have this type of conversation where I can physically look across the table at someone.

We started to get into it, but we stopped ourselves from diving in too quickly over the computer. She said something that definitely made me stumble back like King Hippo in Mike Tyson's Punch Out (too nerdy of a reference for you? Alright moving on).

Beth: I think that I put it out there when you and Lynn broke up and I got pushed away rather harshly. That's a lot of the reason I jumped in with Rich [shitty couple #2].
So@24: What do you mean?
Beth: Like calling you everyday. Texting. Emailing. And nothing back from you.
Beth: One day you texted me, "What do you want me to do? I'm trying to get my girlfriend back."

I didn't remember that I had done this until she mentioned it. But it was like a cartoony light bulb suddenly lit over my head, generated too much energy, and then the glass burst leaving a cracked, blackened bulb with smoke trailing into the air.

What is it about going through a breakup that makes you completely oblivious to the world around you? Your only focus is on what's going on with your soon-to-be ex, everything else seems to be insignificant and trivial.

Apparently my horse blinders were on and I didn't even think twice about Beth during that tumultuous time. Maybe I should have?

Oh. Did I mention that Mimi surprised me and is flying me up to Seattle this weekend to celebrate my birthday? Apparently there is quite the list of attendees going to be able to come out and celebrate the day I emerged from the womb.

Did I mention Beth will be up in Seattle?

