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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Juice Worth the Squeeze?

Working in "the industry" as an assistant you are in constant contact with other assistants. It's like a little club. Everyone's doing the same thing... a slave to your boss, "rollin' calls", managing Outlook, making conference calls happen. After awhile, you start a certain rapport with your fellow assistants (at least the one's you're in constant contact with) and soon friendly non-work related banter emerges.

One assistant, Janice, who I talked to frequently was actually extremely friendly and dare I say it; she sounded hot. But how do you move forward from this point? I'm not proud of my next move, but I had no where else to turn. I checked to see if she had a MySpace. Thank God for the Hollywood Creative Directory, right? Fuck, I'm creepy. Turns out, it wasn't too bad of a deal. The girl's voice actually matched her looks (score!). After "adding" her, we joked about how lame MySpace is and she asked that I meet her and a friend out at The Beauty Bar in Hollywood.

I was pretty optimistic after our first encounter. We laughed about being Hollywood assistants, pounded numerous alcoholic beverages and fist pounded to your classic, cliche'd Journey bar songs while we hit the dance floor. The vibe I was getting was so good, I spent the most money I've ever spent at a bar before. Mission accomplished after that evening. I stumbled into my roommate's bedroom howling that I had met an amazing girl.

And then... something changed.

For the next few weeks, consistently posted "cute", flirtatious comments on my MySpace (again, I'm aware how lame it is to use MySpace as any kind of indicator of how someone feels about you). We made plans to hang out on the weekends, most times initiated by her, and each time she would bail. Not answer her phone. Not answer her texts. And then come up with really pathetic excuses the following Monday morning.

Needless to say, my interests begin to fade fairly quickly and the attention I gave her took a dramatic drop. But we'd still chat over AIM and over my short amount of time with Janice, I've learned that there was a reason why this wasn't ever going to work into something more...
  1. Her Past
    For reasons I'm still unsure of, Janice started to tell me about her "unique" past. How in high school, she dated a guy for 3 years who happened to be a Jehovah's Witness. His family disowned him and he moved in with Janice and her family. He was a family member for 3 years! She then told me she was home schooled a couple of years because she was "depressed". After high school, she broke up with her boyfriend and went to college. Dropped after a year. Never completed college.

  2. She has been dating someone??
    She casually mentioned that she has been "kind of" dating a guy. If I was her boyfriend and I saw the shit she was saying to me... I'd be livid. But this can be explained on the next point...

  3. Her views on guys/dating
    Janice admitted that she has left a trail of heartache with her past relationships. I believe our conversation was like this:

    I hate to be alone, so I always want commitment from the guy I'm dating. But I like to be able to keep my options open
    So@24: Let me get this straight. You want your boyfriends to be completely loyal to you, but you want the ability to do whatever you want if something else that intrigues you comes around?
    Janice: lol! I know! I know! I'm horrible huh?
    So@24: Yes actually! You are a horrible person!
    Janice: lol!

  4. Her political/religious beliefs
    She's claims to be very religious and leans more toward the conservative side. Oy vey. Janice is quoted to say, "But I don't like to debate it with people since I don't really know all the facts." That's actually pretty impressive. Not a lot of republicans I know can admit that.

  5. She has asked me how to spell the following words. I've actually kept track at this point: "whether", "cause", "rights". She also can not differentiate there/their, your/you're,
The girl went from a 8 to a 3.3 faster than anyone I've encountered. I still talk with her pretty consistently. I'm not a complete dick to her, because despite her obvious issues... she was still a lot of fun the few times we have hung out. This afternoon she asked if I wanted to come over because she was feeling sick. And to bring her Ben & Jerry's.
