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Friday, June 22, 2007

Condom Conundrum

How does your average, single guy prepare for a night out? I mean, like what if I wanted to "pack heat" for the night? e.g. a condom.

From what I remember from sex ed, you're not supposed to keep your condom in your wallet, right? So how do people prepare for the occasion? Do you just put it in your pocket before you go out and than re shelve it if nothing happens?

And what does the girl think if you actually DID bring one? Is she offended that you had the inclination to bring one because "it was a sure thing" or is she impressed that you planned ahead of time?

I know you're supposed to learn these little lessons before you are 24 years old, but I guess that's what happens when you've only dated 1 girl during the height of your dating age.