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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

He Said / She Said Vol. 1

Chard and I had a debate last weekend that we thought would be an interesting experiment to introduce to our blogs.

Two different views, one male, one female, on the same topic:

He Said / She Said Vol 1


Seeking advice from a member of the opposite sex in the Land of Singledom can save you a lot of headache.

But it can also make you want to take a melon baller to your eye sockets.

Now, I have gone to Ol' Chardsy from time to time to seek her insight on her strange and mysterious gender. And she will occasionally ask me my opinion on mine. A very symbiotic and refreshing experience.

I go to her because for the most part, she's logical, reasonable, and she has a good head on her shoulders. We end 99.9% of our conversations with me stroking my make believe beard and thinking, "Damn, you're right." Except for the first time that happened last week...

Quick dirty run down of the scenerio:

meets a boy at a party. Chard and boy take lots o' pictures at party. Chard develops mini crush. Boy asks Chard to email him pictures when she uploads and gives her an email address.

Fast forward to the week after.

Chard is absolutely freaking out about this email. She asks me what it should say and stresses about how stupid she is sounding in the email. I'm not quite sure where all this unnecessary anxiety is coming from. So I suggest saying the following:

"Hey, here are the pictures you asked me to send you. Crazy night huh? I had a lot of fun. If you wanna do this again, you know how to reach me."

Or something along those lines. She's not satisfied. She thinks she sounds "retarded".

So@24: What's the problem Chard? I really think you're making this a way bigger deal than it needs to be.
Chard: Initiating the process is pressure enough.
So@24: Initiating the process? Didn't HE asked YOU so send him the pictures? Didn't HE give YOU his email address?
Chard: But if the first email makes me sound like a 'tard, why would he want to go any further.

My jaw drops in astonishment and I want to take an aluminum bat to my computer screen.

So@24: With what I just suggested, how are you sounding like a fool??
So@24: You aren't setting yourself up for rejection, you aren't asking him out, you aren't putting yourself on the line, all you are doing is saying, "Here are the pictures you asked for. Man we were drunk. I had fun. Period." You're making a serious mountain out of an insignificant molehill.
Chard: Agree to disagree.

No. I can't let this go. It's fucking black and white.

Is this normal? Is this the mental process that goes through all women's heads? Or am I the crazy one who isn't getting the big picture?

* Editor's Note:
Is this a matter of insecurities? I suppose is COULD be, but home girl doesn't have a problem dates. And if she does, maybe she should start taking the reigns and asking guys out.

I mean, look at her.

And you can't really tell in the picture, but she has a pair of sweater cows that are top shelf (come on, Chard, you know they are).

What's the problem?