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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Do I Look Like a Cherub?

When logging into my various social networking sites this morning, I came across a message that made me go off on a very brief 30 second rant before I decided to direct my energy into something I actually gave two shits about.

That girl wrote:
hey kiddo.
when are we hanging out again?
we're due for another makeout session.
Let's get a few things straight on this matter.

Make out sesh? What make out sesh? I know I have been known to drink in excess and then promptly black the f out. It's not out of the ordinary for me to tend to be a tad forgetful of events that occurred.

But I will remember damn well when I make out with someone.

Can you lie on MySpace? Isn't that illegal? Are you allowed to do that?

Secondly, I totally see right through her tactic.

She just wants to hang out in hopes that my friend Chad will be hanging out and then they can get drunk and then he can take her to Bone Country again.

Why can't girls just be direct with what they want? If you were just honest about what your goal was, I'd have so much more respect for you and will be more than happy to help you in your endeavors for a jam down. Everyone deserves to get their's. I'm like a fucking cherub.

But to try and play it off that you're really interested in hanging out (which I don't really care to do anyway) as if I'm some middle-man and that I'm not privy to it?

Give me a break.