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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Beautiful and Fantastic Fantasy Dolls by Marina Bychkova

These beautiful dolls are original and they are ball jointed and made of porcelain. The dolls are based on characters from fantasy novels such as “Alice in Wonderland.”

The name of this talented artist is Marina Bychkova and here are a few excerpts from her bio.

"Making dolls has been the most constant aspect of my life since I was six years old. I believe that I was born to do this.

I was born in the South-Western Siberia, Russia in 1982 and fourteen years later immigrated to Vancouver, Canada along with my immediate family: Mom, dad and two younger sisters. Here, I graduated from High School in 2001 and then from Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design in 2006 with a Bachelor of Fine Art."

Enchanted Doll