The Dalai Lama has asked for the protests and the violence to stop fearing that there will be a backlash in China. Not that he's bothered about the people actually getting hurt due to the violence. Looks like nobody cares what the head of the exiled government and Spiritual leader have to say.
So the question remains as to who the heck are these protesters. Most of them don't even look vaguely Tibetan. I understand the plight and anger of a true Tibetan refugee who might still fear for his family and friends back in Tibet, and would wish his country to be free from Chinese rule. But western looking protesters who appear to have no Tibetan blood? Who the hell are they? Do these non-Tibetan losers have soo much time on their hands as to espouse this cause with such vigour? Did they perhaps once visit Tibet and get drunk there? Or maybe made love to a Yak and so have family there? Why don't they concentrate on more pressing issues such as world hunger and terrorism that claims lives of men, women and children everyday.
I must admit that I get a thrill out of watching police officers take down protesters. Reminds me of WWE and Nintendo's Pro Wrestling but without the pretense. But, I digress. China is going to host the Olympics, come hell or high water. So why spoil it for everyone. By all means protest as much as you want. Go trash all the Chinese embassies, picket outside the White house, abuse the UN and apply the cross-face chicken wing on all members of the Olympic committee. But, please do not bother people who have no interest in Tibet. Some of us have more important issues like terrorism in our countries to worry about.
The Olympics is global event. By spoiling it you don't engender sympathy, you engender hate. And you don't have to be a Buddhist or a Jedi Knight to know that hate leads to suffering. My only regret is that the police are not allowed to use batons, spear tackles, round-house kicks, Piranha Bites and the Flying Cross-Chop on these blasted protesters. If you have too much time on your hands. Contribute to saving starving children in Africa. You might not appear on TV but god will thank you.
See also Top 10 Reasons A Non-Tibetan Will Join The Anti-China Protest