I'm in a bit of a blogging drought.
No hilarious anecdotes of the single life. No profound thoughts. No humiliating dates. No dramatic interactions with the ex.
So what's this blogger supposed to do?
Reach out to his loyal readers (er... reader?).
Ever have a burning question you've been dying to ask me? Feel like I haven't ripped out my guts and exposed my innards to you guys enough? Have I not touched on a subject that you think I should have?
Now's your chance! Ask me anything you want or give me a prompt to write about and I'll do it for my Friday posting*. All I ask is that you try and keep it within the theme of this blog.
Email: startingoverat24@gmail.com
Have fun!
*If I find my mailbox empty, I may spend my Friday in the fetal position, weeping. Humor me.