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Thursday, November 25, 2010

American Music Award : Taylor Swift Look Hotter in the Red Carpet


*I know this post is a bit gay!!!

Taylor Swift have a new hairstyle for the American Music Award(AMA) it make her look more mature on the process! I can say that she look even hotter than before and another few tweet here and there she will look even even more hotter in no time. She don’t look like a kid anymore and her song is amazing without any sign of stopping and grow old together. With her rate of publicity she can be the KING of Taylor Swift in no time but I can say that I enjoy her song a lot not all but some of them.

Even her song is a bit EMO here and there but nonetheless the song have the feel in it that make a big different and I think she should sing more happy song in the near future so she can find more boyfriend if you know what I mean.


Do you remember her old curly hairstyle? Her old Curly Hair make her look like a country music singer but with her new straight hair she look more like a superstar or a real Hollywood star because you can see that she show some skin to the people especially her cleavage. Maybe she want to proof to someone that she is not a thin girl with any boobs.

But she have proof you all WRONG!!!!


This is her another hairstyle with a ponytail in the back on the same time she WON “ Best Female Country Artist Award” so do you love her now hairstyle or the old? But the main thing would be she still can sing like a ROCKSTAR that is the most important among all!