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Monday, October 13, 2008

I Think I Got eServed


How do you know for sure when you get the shaft from an internet dating girl?

Allow me to quickly recap the events in quick, convenient bullet points:
  1. I write her an initial email
  2. She actually writes a nice email back
  3. I write her.
  4. She writes back:
    "Hey So@24,

    Wanted to let you know that I got your e-mail and intend to write back--been swamped the last couple days! I'll write more as soon as i can.

    Take care
  5. I write back:
    "Hey no problem, I'm sure it's hectic with midterms coming up. Get back to me when things calm down."
  6. That was 9 days ago.

Did I just get fucking eServed?

So now what? Do I wait longer? I feel that 9 days is a long time. I'm not being overly sensitive to this, am I?

Do I email back a follow up? A friendly reminder of, "Hey remember me?? The one you were pretty chummy with?"

Do I just let her go to wander off into the wilderness like an old house cat searching for a place to die?

I also know myself and it'll drive me crazy if I don't figure out, "Why the french dip did I get the eBoot??"

If I hear another girl make the complaint, "Guys are the ones who always say they are going to call and they don't!"; a kidney punch may be in order.