However, I didn't want to go down the path of KISS and reveal my makeup. The mystery is all for naught. What if you found out that the Gorillaz aren't really cartoon electronica musicians? Or if RS27 was no longer symbolized by two hastily drawn Indian dudes high-fiving each other. Wouldn't some of that magic be gone? You get the idea.
So although you won't be able to get THE BEST indication of these pictures (after all, the eye are everything), you can get a general sense of what they are. And then you can rip them to shreds. This are the top pictures my friends have recommended and I now show them to you:
Pic 1
This is a classic. The one that you're most used to seeing. Everyone loves a chuckle-y, candid picture right? And I hear girls love guys with big... watches.
Pic 2
Pic 3
I was told by a couple of friends that this one of their favorites. And a couple of others that having my baby nephew in the picture gave off the impression that:
a. I'm trying too hard
b. It's too obvious I'm trying to impress (girls + guy good with babies = TOTALLY IN BRA!)
c. Might think that I actually HAVE a child
Cooky, show me some love here.
Pic 4
I thought this one was just a funny picture. My friend Leslie bought me an Acceptance tshirt that was clearly a size too small. I wore it out when she was in town as a joke.
* * *
Okay. Those were the Top 5 picked from a few friends of mine. I, once again, throw myself at the mercy of the readers.
Pick which one goes up and then my profile goes live!
Who knew constructing the ultimate online dating profile would be so much work? Time for a beer.