Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rum Makes Me Spit Mad Game

You ever go to a really big party? A farewell party for your best friend?

And you take a lot of rum shots?

And then you find out later that you said and/or did some really cool things? Especially to the opposite sex?

"Friends" of mine recently uncovered three gems from Leo's party on Saturday.

I can't make this shit up.

1. A cute girl named Viola was in attendance. All throughout the night I harassed her by bellowing across the party, "Viiiiiiiiiiiii-OHHHHHHHH-LAAAAAAAAAA!"

I'm not sure why in my inebriated state I thought to pull out an old Ricola commercial and change it up Weird Al style to incorporate her name into it.

Apparently I think I'm being witty/original and that girls like their unique sounding names associated with commercials about Swiss mountaineers shouting about their cough drops through a large alphorn.

3. So@24: Hey Marie! Glad you could make it to the party!
Marie: Absolutely. Wow, were you just dancing to Micheal Jackson's "Beat It"? Alone?
So@24: Whoa, your shoulder is really soft.
Marie: Thanks.
So@24: It's like, dickskin soft.
Marie: Did you just say that my shoulder is dickskin soft?
So@24: You know how dickskin is really soft?
Marie: Yeah I guess it is.
So@24: See? It's a compliment.

I rule.