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Monday, June 16, 2008

Handjob Highlight of Big Brother

Channel 10. What the heck is going on? You promised us soooo much for Big Brother this year, and you have delivered jack all. All you have done is axed that sexy vixen Gretel Killeen and replaced her with Kyle who looks like he's got half a sequoia up his ass and is as funny as a piece of wet cardboard, and that broad Jackie-O who would look really good topless. It's past the halfway mark and all we have seen so far is...

1. Nobbi's knob, while he was doing the naked monkey dance.
2. Terrence's overfried chipolata in countless horrific shower scenes.
3. Bianca flashing her black knickers in the yard.
4. Rory flossing his ass cheeks with innumerable thongs.
5. Rihanna giving Rory multiple handjobs.
6. Assorted bathing scenes where the babes are bathing in their bikinis.

It's so dull in fact, Big Mouth has to bring up old footage from past BBs to show some topless women. The only bit of action, if indeed you can call it that, is that slut Rihanna giving Rory a couple of polishes. Footage of this was aired on Big Mouth, clearly show casing Rihanna's talent and cum covered hand. This is the height of perverted and sick TV, when a mother of a seven year old daughter Mia goes on reality show, gives handjobs worth two rolls of toilet paper and gets cum all over her hand on national TV. You can't find a sluttier piece of white trash than that folks. Rihanna claims she can't last more than 2 weeks in a relationship. We agree. She probably got pregnant up against the wall, in a well lit driveway with the cabbie who dropped her home. What will her poor daughter face at school? All the kids will be calling her slut-spawn and/or similar vicious epithets. Maybe DOCs could save her from her mother who cannot keep her legs crossed. I always thought Brigdy was the bimbo, but Rihanna beats her hands down, or should I say hands on Rory's dick.

Big Brother - you suck! I will attempt to get footage of the handjob and post it here.

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