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Monday, November 26, 2007

Back in the Motherland Pt. 6: Day with the Ex's Mom

I'll admit I was a little nervous while waiting for her to pick me up for the movie. I'll even admit that I was more conscious about what I looked like (what if she talked about me to Lynn? What if Lynn asks how I looked?), not going out of the way to do anything extreme, but I did choose to wear a sweater that I've gotten a lot of compliments on.

I chewed on my nails and wandered around the house until she came to the door. I wasn't quite sure what to expect or why I was so nervous. I opened the door and I couldn't stop the huge grin on my face. She stepped in the house, asking to pet the cats. I slipped on my shoes and as we started so leave, she picked up a framed picture in the computer room smiled. It was an old prom picture of Lynn and me (I'm not sure why my mom still has that out).

"This is such a good picture of you two." Set it down and then we headed out the door. She asked if I wanted to drive and tossed me the keys to her car.

Opening the door, I was knocked back by the smell. I haven't smelled "Lynn's smell" in such a long time, it was really bizarre.

Andy wanted to catch the matinée of "No Country for Old Men" which was only showing in one theater in downtown Portland. It was also a little weird to be walking in that theater again, which was one that I used to only frequent with Lynn. I guess that associated hasn't quite faded yet.

After the movie, we had some time to kill before I had to meet up with my friends so we wandered around Portland getting lost on purpose. We spent most of the time looking through windows at shops and pointing out and laughing at weird, little figurines and bizarre toys. I really had to hold myself back to keep from asking about her daughter.

We grabbed a slice of pizza (oddly enough, at one of Lynn's favorite places... like mother like daughter, I guess) and then she dropped me off to meet with my friends.

We hugged again and she told me to keep in touch.