Blog Archive

Sunday, January 9, 2011

All you need is love....

So I must ask what do you guys think of the new look of my blog? I love it so much, I love my banner above which has a collection of images to do with me and my life, Thanks must go to my husband who stayed up until 3AM arranging it for me, also for those of you who read my blog and like my crafts please feel free to use my button on the right hand side of this blog, its the pink ball of yarn.

we are fast moving on to spring and I will be so happy to say goodbye to the dark mornings! I thought that I will spend the next few weeks dedicated to ... .Love!, so everything I decide to create will be inspired by the heart - and to give you an idea of some of the things I plan to make I have picked a selection of patterns from Ravelry

make sure to keep watch for my take on these!

I am back to work tomorrow after two week sick leave, to say Im not looking forward to it is an understatement, even though I was ill it was lovely being home and having the whole day to craft and just be home! I pray for the day when I can be a stay at home wife and one day mother.
Im wishing you all a lovely week, Im off now to cuddle up with my handsome husband and watch a movie, God Bless x