Blog Archive

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Crochet Give Away

Hi guys, how has your week been so far? I want to start this post by saying thank you to Sarah for awarding me the stylish blogger award! what a lovely treat!
With the award comes the fact that I must tell you 7 things about myself, so lets begin ...
  1. Neen is not my real name but 90% of people only know me as that.
  2. I would love to spend one whole day in a spa- being pampered and rubbed and relaxed 
  3. I sing in my sleep
  4. I do not trust people easily, If someone hurts me I usually step back from that person and cut contact
  5. I am desperate to become a mother
  6. I love clipping other peoples toenails!
  7. I really want a craft room.

So I got one "love" themed project done - I made a heart shaped table mat and coaster. I was thrilled with how easy the pattern was

I also never got a chance to show you the ear rings that I made for my secret Santa partner Kym - it really made me smile that as we exchanged gifts we had both crocheted for each other ear rings! the saying comes to mind "Great minds think a like, and fools seldom differ!" 

Last night while watching Quantum Leap I decided to try a pattern from one of my favorite books "Crochet that Fits" by designer Mary Jane Hall,

what do you think of my flared 1940s hat?

I was delighted with the pattern, it was very easy to follow and Mary Jane writes instructions so beautifully! I then decided to make these lovely slippers also from the book, for my little sister Shauna

In my opinion every crocheter should own a copy of this book, the patterns are so different and wrote simply, 

I also received a lovely PIF package from Clara of Claras Crochet Room
She made me a beautiful Christmas table runner, Christmas decoration and a bottle cooler- Thanks Clara!

So now it is my turn to send three PIF(Pay it Forward) packages, If you would like to take part let me know in the comments - I will then pick my three on Wednesday. Remember though that once you receive your package you must write a post and link it back here but also then it will be your turn to make something for three other people (TIP- make something small and light for cheaper postage)
So who would like to take part?