Blog Archive

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Feeling Sick, Chocolate and Fairies!

Hi guys, best to read this post from a safe distance ... I'm not well, not sure why really, sore back and joints, headache, dry throat and sore gums and stuffed up nose :( feeling pretty darn sorry for myself in truth! last night we were hit by a storm and boy was it a big one! rain, hail lightening the lot! I was so unsettled all night, Both Morgan and I kept waking up as the weather hit and banged against the windows! I joked in work today that if this bad weather keeps up we will find ourselves in the land of Oz! so just call me Dorthy! he he.
After work today Morgan picked me up because the weather was so bad and we walked to the shop - thank goodness I was wrapped up because it was freezing, although the wind kept trying to steal my hat! 

 Please excuse me in this picture, but like I said I'm feeling poorly

Walking home 
Yesterday New York held a fashion show with a difference... A Chocolate Fashion Show, here are some of my favorite pieces:

 good enough to eat!!

For Christmas 2002 Morgan got me the book Fairie-ality, 

It is a fashion collection book, I love looking through it as it has such beautiful designs

I will be using some of these designs to inspire my next sewing project, Hope you all keep well and warm as the winter sets in, x