Blog Archive

Friday, October 29, 2010

Crew Boy

I can't exactly say for sure what's being assembled here... But I figure I might as well stick around and get to the bottom of this cool...
Ah, I see, so there's a sound stage involved here... And apparently these yellow metal thingies over on the floor are meant for... I take it erecting some sort scaffolding or some other?.. Interesting, might as well lend a hand I guess rolleyes...

Ok, so from what I gather, this metal bar goes over (*boxers flash through mind*) t-h-e-r-e... Err, yeah, anyway (*catches cute grin*)...confused... Ok, where was I supposed to put this (*spots trailed natural abs*) a-g-a-i-n?
(*thoughts of be-cargoed hottie runs through mind*)... Ok... So yeah, I might as well step back and get out of everyone's way. Getting kind of hot anyway... I'll just watch from back here cool.
(*considers the view*)...

Ok, ok... I'll get back to helping out... Jeez confused... Btw, did anyone ever tell you you had really nice arms mrgreen... Ok, sorry, yes, back to work.