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Monday, July 26, 2010

Miley Cyrus is all GROWN UP


Do you all still remember how she raise her fame from the movie call Hannah Montana and how cute and beautiful she were back then. Also how innocent she look and also the movie singing was great and a lot of people interested of her. She sound weird but she know how to use it for something good.


Now you can’t see her innocent, young and cute anymore. She is now more mature and want to show what is sexy. You all know that she stop Disney Channel the show call Hannah Montana because she do not want to be name as a little girl anymore.

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Every music video or live show she make. You can see she show more skin than ever. Even cleavage for this young. Maybe she want to prove something to someone out there that she is not only young but talented.

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Do you know what is “Kang Kang” mean like open your like wide wide. So young and look like already 25 years old already she show something more than her actual age. It is she mature too fast or their parent are too protected and this happen?

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Oh my Oh my! Did you see something?

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See like a strip club out there!

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I was wondering where she learn it from? Do her parent allowed her to do this extreme stunt?