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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Movie Review Karate Kid



Work causes a single mother to move to China with her young son; in his new home, the boy embraces kung fu, taught to him by a master



In the movie is quite nice to watch before there is humor and fighting scene in the movie. As you know every movie have an interesting story of LOVE. In the movie it really have.  The storyline is quite nice because the kid is trying to learn kungfu because been bully at school and also  they have trade offer to fight with each other. Humor in the story is quite ok and fit the movie.


I would give the movie a 4 out of 5! What can you say about Jackie Chan movie. You will not really get bored of it. But today in the cinema i saw someone snoring in the cinema sad!


I would recommend to people that love Jackie Chan movie and people that love fighting scene that is what the movie is all about and also humor. I would not recommend to people that don’t like fighting should sleep at home instead it is more about sleeping than fighting.


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This is the final of the show and the final show down! Who gonna win?

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This is the girl that i am trying to say! Even kiss the guy she is not only cute but her English is fluent!


Can you do that?