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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey is an Aphrodisiac

Paxty: So what are you doing for Thanksgiving?
So@24: I originally planned on getting a mushroom pizza and lounging around in my underoos all day. But Lynn invited me down to spend it with her and her roommate.
Paxty: Holidays are a vulnerable time. Is this going to be the blog twist everyone saw coming?
So@24: Haha! I seriously doubt it.
Damn. Now I kind of want to see it happen just to see all the predictions come true.
So@24: What the hell am I to you? The Truman Show??
Paxty: You're right, that's the next logical step.
Paxty: Instead of rooting for it to happen, I should pay off Lynn and her friends. Take destiny into my own hands. It will be the best Thanksgiving ever.
So@24: By paying off my exgirlfriend to manipulate my emotions in a sick social experiment to be publisized in blogdom?
Paxty: Sounds even better when you put it so succinctly!