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Monday, May 26, 2008

A Girl Distraction Makes the Best Distraction

One of the golden rules of survival I learned post-break up was the best thing to ever happen to you is:

distractions. distractions. distractions.

I'd say it's the most important element of survival. And I did my best to surround myself with as many things as possible. I bought mind-numbing games for my hand-held Nintendo DS (worked best to avoid those emo thoughts before finding sleep). I took every opportunity to go out and drink with friends, ignoring the cries of pain from my empty, tri-fold wallet. I even went to an old, forgotten arcade to shave off some precious hours on a Sunday.

I'm telling you, a good distraction to keep your mind off all that mental vomit is absolutely essential.

But despite all the video games, the 3:00 am beer fests, and the constant looping of Quantum Leap reruns... there is nothing quite like the distraction of flirting with a cute girl, who flirts back.

as much as I love you Scott Bakula
you can't beat the attention of a good woman

Remember when Tim Robbins in Shawshank is explaining to Morgan "Red" Freeman that "hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things". It's kinda like that.

Of course, this isn't to say that flirting results in anything serious. X doesn't HAVE to equal Y in order for it to have any meaning. However, it is comforting to know that (Holy shit!) there are actually other girls out there who are physically attractive and YES, have the potential to be really cool.

As innocent as it is, I still find a tinge of those giddy feelings I used to get with girls way long ago:
looking forward to the next letter/email, the next online conversation, a new picture posted, exchanging music recommendations...

Wow. Hmmm... that sounded a lot cooler in my head, but you get the idea. Internet crushes. -shrug-

She's short, can enjoy an alcoholic beverage, likes cartoons, cute girl-next-door look, witty. And is giving me the time of day? Wants to have a 5 hour conversation with me?? Who knew??

Did I mention she lives across the sea? Goddamn Weezer, why do you hurt so good??*

But I digress. My point is the fact that I am finding myself at a place where I can have an optimistic view of the future... other girls can exist out there that can fit all of these strict So@24 requirements (or even SOME of them). Even if it's something as simple as innocent flirtation.

Maybe I can get giddy again.

* if you got my reference before clicking on the link, then you too have the potential to be my next crush.